Focus and Finish The Work

By Jessica Visser

The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. - Psalm 138:8
Sometimes I forget the work of my hands. I get distracted easily. I move on to something before I finish the task before. I walk to the fridge and forget why I went there, walk away and then remember "Oh that's what I needed." I can't blame it on age either; it's been like this forever. When I was little, my mom called me "Pokey" after the pokey little puppy who always got distracted on the way home. It can be funny, but it can also be frustrating. Taking twice as long for something to happen.

It can sometimes feel that God is distracted in the middle of the work you're waiting on Him to finish. It can feel like He got sidetracked blessing someone else or taking care of something "more important" or just plain forgetting about you. I use the word feel because this is, in reality, just a feeling and this verse reminds us of it's fallibility. He will fulfill His purpose. He will finish what He started. His love is steadfast and He will NOT forsake the work of His hands.

He's not sidetracked or distracted. He is intentional: Fully aware and involved. He is actively working. If the process is taking time, there's a reason. He is infinite, but He is very aware of the finite. He knows every detail about the work and He is taking the time to accomplish every purpose, every lesson, every opportunity for You to see His glory, and everything you need. Usually things you didn't know you needed, too. He will finish the work. Stop putting a timeline on a timeless God. He is active. Trust him.

While your waiting, don't forget to walk slowly through the journey. Notice the little things He's already doing: Learn every lesson. Love every person. Worship Him for His intentional act. He is for you. He knows what He's doing, let Him do it.  

1 Comment

Becki Woodrome - February 13th, 2022 at 11:50am

Thank you for that message it was greatly received honestly and whole heartedly . All our love, Becki and Trinity Woodrome